Sunday, October 18, 2009

someone had sex in the shower last night.
it was not me.
it is my week to clean the shower.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Canadian bums are better than American guys...

Well hello there blogger world, after a brief delay (more like a 2 week brief delay) I am ready to blog. My name is Penelope, and no, i do not live in the house with 6 girls and 1 bathroom. I'm the friend who lives down the road (3 girls 2 bathrooms...) and though it may not be as interesting over here, they are all my best friends. To start off this awesome blog post thing I will tell you all why i have not been on.... A- i forgot because i got busy with school, and B- i had hell week the past two weeks with exams and such. Thank god that is all over now.

This past weekend was Columbus Day Weekend. Now before i go on i have to say that Columbus did not find America. He actually stopped in south America in 1492, sailed south for awhile giving everyone diseases and went scurrying back to Spain. It was actually America Vespucci (hence, America) who founded our country. So Columbus can suck my tit. But he did give us a long weekend :)....

Anyway as i was saying, Sally, a foreign friend and I took a drive up to Canada for the weekend. Let me tell you, they are verrryyyy french. You may not know what i mean but if you've ever been to Europe, they are very very french. (I say this in a completely nice way, i do love french people) For example, our first day there exploring the beautiful city of Montreal, a bum on the side of the road calls out to us and says "Are you ladies as generous as you are beautiful" after a giggle and an apology, the bum then proceeds to say..."But really, you girls are so beautiful..." That led us to conclude that Canadian bums are better than American Guys. It was nice, we got a huge self esteem booster. Although in the clubs we had to say that we were lesbian because guys were circling us like vultures. I say this as modest as possible, it was just the truth! All the more fun to make up different identities in a foreign country. All in all, Montreal was beautiful, the people were very nice, the crepes were incredible, it was nice to be legal and i cant wait to go back!

Now we are back to our typical routine. A lot of us has a busy work week ahead but mine were thankfully before the break. So this week instead of HW I am cutting and coloring my hair! I need a big change of some sort, why no go red right?!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Clown Car

So how many people would you say could fit in a 2 door jeep? I would say the answer is wayyyy less than 10, but the impossible was possible last night. While standing at the bus stop a friendly face drove by, Penelope's neighbor, and stopped to chat. After establishing that we needed to get to the opposite side of campus the logical conclusion (not logical to most but it was the tequila talking) was for us all to pile in jeep. 4 people in the front and 6 in the back. I personally was on the center console totally obstructing access to the shifter thing. Upon arrival to the destination of choice, after only driving by 3 cops, we all proceeded to get out of one door to make a more dramatic entrance in our clown car. No one was impressed but at least we had a good time with it. Oh right, and I failed to mention that at this time we are all in bathing suits, in the rainy 50 degree weather. This was a beach party and we don't mess around. Obviously flip cup was started upon our request and we dominated the table. When it was time to go sadly there was no jeep for us to ride back in. After refusing a charitable piggy back ride or two me and Elizabeth decided the most efficient way to get back was to run, in our sandals, the 1+ miles home, where both bagels and apple pie, made with love by yours truly, awaited us. By the time the rest of the posse caught up we were happily chowing down and relaxing on the couches (that have been sanitized, but that story is for another time) Another successful weekend had by the brothel.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

that bathroom

So, a room that has a shower that we clean ourselves in, some have sex in (it's a touchy subject) and that is far too small. This morning the toilet would not unclog, it had no reason to be clogged in the first place really, yet it wasn't being cooperative to it's duties (hahah no pun intended). Anywho I go to flush and realized that it needs a pump of the magical toilet plunging wand that apparently was not too magical this morning and flushed to see if it would go down.... I saw it coming... the tidal wave. the water just kept running and running and running, as I sit there on my tippy toes screaming "help! help!" to Jordan in the kitchen to save me as if she were a life gaurd on duty. I just had no idea what to do, she came in as the water rushed out of the bathroom through both doors into our living room, around the corner into my room where I began to hear trickling like rain. Granted it was raining out and the sound could have easily been coming from outside... but that was INSIDE rain... oh no ... not good. I frantically ran around to the basement door (still like a chicken running around as if my head were chopped off) opened the door to see huge puddles the size of small ponds and the cieling POURING as if we were getting April showers in our basement in October.

Friday, October 2, 2009

So here we go...

So tis the age of busting our asses with school and various sports, making friends, falling in love (or lust more likely -- lets be honest here), laughing our asses off (after we have busted them off), going crazy, hooking up, breaking up, getting crushed, building yourself back up again, druken story telling, making mistakes, dancing our asses off (yes after laughing and busting them off -- we have no asses left-- haha funny story there is a whole lotta booty in this house) and doing anything else driven college girls do.

Anywho it's a dreary and pretty cold Friday night on a college campus, who knows what's going on tonight but I'll bet you money you'll see half naked girls stumbling down the street looking like hookers trying to impress the hottest guy they see, steal them from their girlfriend and make them their own. It's rather hilarious, just watching certain girls who's whole lives revolve around being friends with who, and hooking up with so and so, and making their way around the football team like it instantly gives them a neon sign above their head that says "Hey, I'm cool"... in reality though the sign says "Hey look at me! I'm so hot! Try to fuck me so I can go tell all my friends you wanted my ass, but in reality I am going home alone or going to hook up with the boy I think likes me but in reality is using me". It's a too common but sad reality. I'm not saying we're completly above boy chasing, and anything mentioned above but we like to avoid it. I can only sit here to see what adventures this weekend holds.

A Brief Intro

So, you may be saying to yourself, 6 girls one bathroom, crappy idea. Or if you are familiar with youtube (aka haven't been living under a rock) you may have a sick mind that went right to 2 girls 1 cup. this has nothing to do with the latter. 6 girls 1 bathroom is the slightly fictional version of 6 girls lives that have for some reason decided to subject themselves to some tight living conditions. Creative solutions have been made for all of the problems faced with 6 girls having 1 bathroom and 5 bedrooms. most of those solutions involve a little desensitizing and a lowering of personal boundaries. For instance, when in the shower, the toilet is fair game. this hasn't been the source of too much grief. Showers are done in staggered fashion, there has yet to be an instance that the shower we constructed in the basement had to be used. Despite the obvious illegality of over 4 unrelated people cohabitiating and the nickname the brothel, we are getting along pretty well. Here we will be telling the stories of when tight living conditions, too much estrogen, and one insane kitten get a little out of hand.