Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Canadian bums are better than American guys...

Well hello there blogger world, after a brief delay (more like a 2 week brief delay) I am ready to blog. My name is Penelope, and no, i do not live in the house with 6 girls and 1 bathroom. I'm the friend who lives down the road (3 girls 2 bathrooms...) and though it may not be as interesting over here, they are all my best friends. To start off this awesome blog post thing I will tell you all why i have not been on.... A- i forgot because i got busy with school, and B- i had hell week the past two weeks with exams and such. Thank god that is all over now.

This past weekend was Columbus Day Weekend. Now before i go on i have to say that Columbus did not find America. He actually stopped in south America in 1492, sailed south for awhile giving everyone diseases and went scurrying back to Spain. It was actually America Vespucci (hence, America) who founded our country. So Columbus can suck my tit. But he did give us a long weekend :)....

Anyway as i was saying, Sally, a foreign friend and I took a drive up to Canada for the weekend. Let me tell you, they are verrryyyy french. You may not know what i mean but if you've ever been to Europe, they are very very french. (I say this in a completely nice way, i do love french people) For example, our first day there exploring the beautiful city of Montreal, a bum on the side of the road calls out to us and says "Are you ladies as generous as you are beautiful" after a giggle and an apology, the bum then proceeds to say..."But really, you girls are so beautiful..." That led us to conclude that Canadian bums are better than American Guys. It was nice, we got a huge self esteem booster. Although in the clubs we had to say that we were lesbian because guys were circling us like vultures. I say this as modest as possible, it was just the truth! All the more fun to make up different identities in a foreign country. All in all, Montreal was beautiful, the people were very nice, the crepes were incredible, it was nice to be legal and i cant wait to go back!

Now we are back to our typical routine. A lot of us has a busy work week ahead but mine were thankfully before the break. So this week instead of HW I am cutting and coloring my hair! I need a big change of some sort, why no go red right?!