Friday, October 2, 2009

A Brief Intro

So, you may be saying to yourself, 6 girls one bathroom, crappy idea. Or if you are familiar with youtube (aka haven't been living under a rock) you may have a sick mind that went right to 2 girls 1 cup. this has nothing to do with the latter. 6 girls 1 bathroom is the slightly fictional version of 6 girls lives that have for some reason decided to subject themselves to some tight living conditions. Creative solutions have been made for all of the problems faced with 6 girls having 1 bathroom and 5 bedrooms. most of those solutions involve a little desensitizing and a lowering of personal boundaries. For instance, when in the shower, the toilet is fair game. this hasn't been the source of too much grief. Showers are done in staggered fashion, there has yet to be an instance that the shower we constructed in the basement had to be used. Despite the obvious illegality of over 4 unrelated people cohabitiating and the nickname the brothel, we are getting along pretty well. Here we will be telling the stories of when tight living conditions, too much estrogen, and one insane kitten get a little out of hand.