Friday, October 2, 2009

So here we go...

So tis the age of busting our asses with school and various sports, making friends, falling in love (or lust more likely -- lets be honest here), laughing our asses off (after we have busted them off), going crazy, hooking up, breaking up, getting crushed, building yourself back up again, druken story telling, making mistakes, dancing our asses off (yes after laughing and busting them off -- we have no asses left-- haha funny story there is a whole lotta booty in this house) and doing anything else driven college girls do.

Anywho it's a dreary and pretty cold Friday night on a college campus, who knows what's going on tonight but I'll bet you money you'll see half naked girls stumbling down the street looking like hookers trying to impress the hottest guy they see, steal them from their girlfriend and make them their own. It's rather hilarious, just watching certain girls who's whole lives revolve around being friends with who, and hooking up with so and so, and making their way around the football team like it instantly gives them a neon sign above their head that says "Hey, I'm cool"... in reality though the sign says "Hey look at me! I'm so hot! Try to fuck me so I can go tell all my friends you wanted my ass, but in reality I am going home alone or going to hook up with the boy I think likes me but in reality is using me". It's a too common but sad reality. I'm not saying we're completly above boy chasing, and anything mentioned above but we like to avoid it. I can only sit here to see what adventures this weekend holds.